Bimodal IT - the changing role of IT and the shift in technology decision-making

31 Aug 2015

Not only technology itself, but also the ways in which organisations procure and consume IT have evolved dramatically over the last decade. Technology consumption has moved beyond traditional modes of purchasing, owning, and managing your own assets.

One trend that's becoming a growing point of discussion for leading organisations and market analysts alike, is the rise of bimodal IT.

The two "modes" of bimodal IT refer to two co-existing, yet sometimes competing, IT strategies within the same organisation. Mode 1 is driven by the IT department focusing on the cost and governance of core applications; mode 2 is driven by the individual business units/user communities focusing on innovation and competitive advantage. This bimodal split is expected to grow to such an extent that, soon, a significant portion of IT budgets will no longer be under the IT department's direct control. How are organisations to handle this inevitable change?

Dimension Data's Ian Heard, Group Communications Principal Director: Collaboration, suggests that a fundamental shift in mindset is required to harness the potential of bimodal IT for the benefit of the whole organization.

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