Turbocharging Teams - Kevin Kieller and Dino Caputo

Turbocharging Teams - Episode 14: Productivity Score – A Special Edition

10 Dec 2020

By Kevin Kieller and Dino Caputo

Turbocharging Teams focuses on tips and tricks to help you get the most out of using Microsoft Teams. In this special edition of Turbocharging Teams we discuss some of the recent misinformation related to the Microsoft Productivity Score tool and explore what usage and adoption information corporate administrators have in a variety of common tools. Spoiler alert: despite the dramatic hyperboles, this is NOT a “dystopian … fresh hellhole that Microsoft just opened up.” Please listen if you would like to better understand the facts.



Key Insights from this Episode:

  1. Almost all the recent articles cited two people who arguably didn’t have their facts straight; at a minimum, they over-exaggerated standard capabilities administrators have in all major corporate applications.
  2. Only administrative users of Office 365 have access to Productivity Score.
  3. “Productivity Score” name was likely a poor choice since defining and understanding productivity is organizational dependent and not really the focus of the tool. But who thinks Microsoft is good at naming products?
  4. All PII information needs to be carefully managed (and it typically is).
  5. Microsoft, based on feedback, did remove some individual usage data from the Productivity Score tool.
  6. We love analytics and have successfully used to help improved business outcomes; however, all analytics require context, including the Productivity Score tool.
  7. We encourage you to responsibly use the Slack Analytics Dashboard, Cisco Webex Analytics and all of the Office 365 analytics tools.
  8. Do ensure the person interpreting your analytics understands the context, privacy concerns and limitations.

Slides from this Episode:



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